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Section 09: SHEPHERDING THE FLOCK, Pastoral Level 2d

09 2d: Deal with (avoid if possible) violent persecution

Teach and practice God's perspective on suffering for Christ (it is not always bad).

*Find in Mark 14:32-42 Jesus' supreme act of obedience to His Father.

Find in Romans 8:14-39 several reasons why we should be willing to suffer for Christ.

Find in 1 Peter 1:6-7 the attitude we should have toward afflictions and trials.

Find in Revelation 7:9-17 the privileged place in glory of those who suffer martyrdom for Christ.

*Find in 1 Samuel chapters 17 - 22 several ways in which David dealt with unjust opposition.


* Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)

For a historical perspective on dealing with persecution, read the inspiring accounts from just about any period of church history, such as, for the early church, Austin's Topical History of Christianity, Section II: "the martyrs."

Do not overlook current news from those areas of the world, like China, North Africa, Colombia and North Korea, where violent persecution continues.

Open a file on persecution and collect articles and testimonials.


name of the arrested person,
date and time of arrest,
name arresting officer,
jail in which held,
precise accusation,

name of responsible government official,
telephone and fax number of that official,
previous arrests,
date and time of next court appearance,
which court and where.

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