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Section 09:
09 2d: Deal with (avoid if possible) violent persecution
Teach and practice God's perspective on suffering for Christ (it is not always bad).
- Often Christians bring needless persecution on themselves.
- Persecution can have a purifying effect on the church.
- Persecution also breeds legalism among those who suffer. They take on the mentality of the older brother who complained about his father's grace in the story of the Prodigal Son, or the workers who toiled all day but griped about their employers grace who gave late comers the same pay.
- Violent persecution is sometimes brought on by a missionary who extracts a convert from his circle of friends and relatives, instead of teaching him to love and forgive them.
- Persecution also comes from failing to seek a friendly relationship and understanding with local leaders.
- A common cause of hostility is failure to respect local customs and cultural norms.
Find in Mark 14:32-42 Jesus' supreme act of obedience to His Father.
Find in Romans 8:14-39 several reasons why we should be willing to suffer for Christ.
Find in 1 Peter 1:6-7 the attitude we should have toward afflictions and trials.
Find in Revelation 7:9-17 the privileged place in glory of those who suffer martyrdom for Christ.
Find in 1 Samuel chapters 17 - 22 several ways in which David dealt with unjust opposition.
Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)
For a historical perspective on dealing with persecution, read the inspiring accounts from just about any period of church history, such as, for the early church, Austin's Topical History of Christianity, Section II: "the martyrs."
Do not overlook current news from those areas of the world, like China, North Africa, Colombia and North Korea, where violent persecution continues.
Open a file on persecution and collect articles and testimonials.
- Learn what are the advocacy groups that focus on your part of the world.
- In case of a particular case of legal persecution, report to the advocates all the following details you have:
name of the arrested person,
date and time of arrest,
name arresting officer,
jail in which held,
precise accusation, |
name of responsible government official,
telephone and fax number of that official,
previous arrests,
date and time of next court appearance,
which court and where. |
- Not every prosecution of a follower is an act of persecution, for your members sometimes do activities they have hidden from you.
- If you are convinced that an arrest or threat of arrest or violence is partly or wholly due to persecution, then arrange for perpetual prayer until the issue is resolved. Send an email message to others for prayer, taking care not to relate unsubstantiated rumors.
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