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Section 09: SHEPHERDING THE FLOCK, Advanced Level 3a

09 3a: Start special ministries as unique opportunities arise

List ministries that correspond to spiritual gifts mentioned in the Bible (see below).

Make a list of the spiritual gifts mentioned in the New Testament, (Romans 12:6-8; 1 Corinthians 12; Ephesians 4:11-12; Matthew 19:10-12) and add by them the ministries that correspond. Some ministries are supported by several gifts.


T&M Student Activity Guide page 36a

Help every member identify their spiritual gifts.

Network by Bugbee, Cousins & Hybels, Zondervan Press, 1994, ISBN 0-310-41231-5. The authors present 23 gifts in an American model of ministry from one's passion, giftedness and personal style, accompanied by counsel from a trained church staff member.

Discover Your Gifts by Christian Schwartz, various languages and publishers, 1988 and updates. A more cognitive, European model that presupposes some thirty spiritual gifts.

For help: Research

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