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Section 09:
09 3b: Keep home groups multiplying
Keep building new groups around new leaders.
- For maximum interaction keep the groups small, from five to fifteen adults.
- Do not simply divide the congregation into small groups. Let them grow out of evangelistic efforts.
- Organize groups around those potential leaders who have loving relationships with others, and contacts with several families.
When a new group is forming, have the people define what the group is and does.
- Study and discuss Bible passages that define the loving family life that God wants for His church (such as the "one another" passages), and the basic commands of Christ.
- They may want to write their own "covenant" embodying what they agree on in these studies.
Except for special ministry needs such as a worship team, do not organize groups for specialized ministries, but rather for holistic shepherding ministry that deals with all needs.
- Apply the 2 Corinthians 12 principle of gathering people of different gifts into the one body, in order to minister to the whole person (include people who can do evangelism, pray for healing, teach, exhort, etc., all in one home group if possible.)
To keep home groups multiplying requires continual effort.
- Leaders must know from the beginning that they are to train apprentice leaders for new groups.
- Every member of the group should also know from the beginning that this multiplication is a major objective.
- Do not multiply groups by simply dividing them in two. Train new leaders and let them start a new group with anyone from the mother group that cares to go with the new one.
- The major emphasis for growth should be on evangelism, not on dividing older groups.
- Assure those who hesitate to break relationships to form a new group, that the groups will continue to meet together occasionally.
- Those who disciple somebody who plans to go with the new group, should arrange with the leaders for their mentoring to continue.
*Review in Acts 2:42-47 things the first disciples did when they met in homes.
Find in 2 Timothy 2:2 and Titus 1:5 guidelines for keeping small groups leaders--and therefore small groups--reproducing.
Find in Romans 16:3 and 1 Corinthians 16:19 what Aquila and Priscilla had in Rome, and again in Asia, in their house.
Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)
T&M Student Activity Guide
page 14a, 27, 42b
For developing different kinds of small groups, Leadership Handbooks of Practical Theology, 1992, Editor, James D. Berkley, Volume 2, Section 17
Work up a kinship chart that show how current small groups grew out of other groups, were drawn from the congregation, or were formed from new believers.
- After several generations of daughter groups, you will discern how the Holy Spirit works in this society and denomination at this time in history.
- Include groups that have died or have defected and mark them with a special symbol.
- Find what happened in those failed groups differently from groups that have persisted and remained with the congregation?
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