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Section 10:
MEMBER CARE AND COUNSELING, Pastoral Level 2b10 2b: Deal with personal and family problems with pastoral counseling
Interview those who want help, or whose behavior must change.
Some people enjoy being victims and will take up all the time of a counselor.
Pastoral counseling, both personal and in small groups, has a much higher "cure rate" than secular counseling. Secular counselors usually overlooks the reality of sin that deserves punishment and real guilt, seeking rather rationalistic, mechanistic causes of human behavior--treating the person counseled like a machine.
Deal quickly with those who simply need information, direction, career counseling, premarital guidance or answers concerning the faith. Don't probe for other problems unless they bring them up.
Refer to professional psychologists or psychiatrists those who are seriously disturbed or have physical causes for erratic behavior.
Find in Genesis 3, together with Romans 1:18-32 and 5:21, the source and effects of original sin--the universal, inherited bent of mankind toward evil.Find in the book of Galatians the kind of faith and actions that keep us firm in our liberty in Christ.
Find in 1 Kings 19 physical, emotional, social and spiritual causes of Elijah's depression and suicidal wish. Look for the things he did and said that would have caused him to be worn out physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually.Find in Galatians 5 guidelines for dealing with bad attitudes and behavior.
Find in Romans chapters 7 - 8 more guidelines for dealing with our old, unregenerate nature that clings to this earthly body.
Find in 1 Peter several guidelines for victorious living and for leading others.
Find in Romans steps in the Christian life toward maturity.
Find in Colossians guidelines for a life of truth and holiness.
Find in 1 Thessalonians examples of counsel to encourage our brothers in Christ.
Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)O
For video courses that you can take at home, contact Jon Raibley at Western Seminary's Center for Lifelong Learning. Ask about courses related to counseling for personal or family problems. Call (503) 517 1899, or e-mail or view courses offered on On the home page click on Enter, then Academic Programs, then Distance Education, then Course Listings.
(T&M)T&M Student Activity Guide pages 31a, 31b
For practical, easy to read "how to" for counseling for crisis: Crisis Counseling, H. Norman Wright. This deals with depression, suicide, death, divorce, children in crisis, adolescence and counseling technique in general.
For planning and communicating the purpose of counseling, and safeguards for legal liability and confidentiality, Leadership Handbooks of Practical Theology, 1992, Editor, James D. Berkley, Volume 2, Sections 18 and 20
See also section 21 for dealing with different, specific problems. It has articles by experienced experts in counseling, for the following:
demon oppression |
premarital |
marriage |
For a general approach to non-professional counseling: Intentional Interviewing, Allen Ivey
Ask competent Christian counselors how they work, and how they got their experience.
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