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Section 10: MEMBER CARE AND COUNSELING, Pastoral Level 2d

10 2d: Help the flock grow spiritually in Christ and in Christian character

Feed Jesus' lambs; nourish His sheep.

*Find in John 21:15-19 Jesus' commission for Peter (and all other shepherds in His church).

Find in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) several guidelines for behavior in the kingdom of God.

Find in Ephesians 4:12-16 a general definition of spiritual growth.

Find in the letter of 1 John several guidelines for growing spiritually.


* Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)

For a classic treatment of inner spiritual growth, read (and prayerfully meditate) the biographies and essays of the great Christian mystics, whom God has used to inspire millions, through the ages, such as:

The Imitation of Christ, Thomas à Kempis

Confessions, Augustine

Precious Remedies vs. Satan's Devices, Thomas Brooks

Abuse of Emotions in the Spiritual Life, Isaac Watts

Religious Affections, Jonathan Edwards.

For watching over church members in general, Leadership Handbooks of Practical Theology, 1992, Editor, James D. Berkley, Volume 2, Section 16

For planning for spiritual growth in general: Growing a Healthy Church, Dann Spader

For spiritual disciplines:

Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, Don Whitney

Life-style Discipleship, Jim Petersen

For strategies for congregational spiritual growth: Spiritual Formation in the Local Church, Frank Stanger

Listen to followers of Christ and to unbelievers as they talk about their spiritual aspirations and experiences.

For help: Research

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