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Care Focus 3 for Expanded Outreach and Ongoing Ministries
10 3a: Train pastoral counselors for common problems
Provide training for those who like to listen and help others to solve their problems.
Provide training for those who provide career counseling for Christian workers seeking to take on or develop a ministry.
Find in Matthew 18:15-35 Jesus' rules for dealing with offenses. Define the steps.
Find in 1 Timothy chapters 4 - 6 general guidelines for counseling Christians with problems.
Find in Ephesians chapters 4-5 guidelines for forgiving, getting along with others including family.
Find in Genesis 27-33 how the patriarchs caused, and solved, disputes.Find in Philemon 1 how Paul got two brothers in Christ to be reconciled.
Find in Mark 14:26-31 66-72 (after Jesus' arrest), how and why Peter broke his promise to God. Of what danger for Christian workers does this warn us?Might the risen Lord's command--three times--to Peter to 'Feed my Sheep' (John 21:15-19) be related to Peter's failure through overconfidence? How?
Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)Ü
(T&M)T&M Student Activity Guide
pages 32a, 32b, 42b2
(Optional Documents, to view, download or translate, for additional help) Mentoring Potential Church Planters, Evangelists and Missionaries. Cited from Church Multiplication Guide, Patterson and Scoggins, William Carey Library, Pasadena, CA, USA, Chapter 18, Section 01. "When Priscilla and Aquila heard Apollos, they invited him to their home and explained to him the way of God more adequately." Acts 18:26. Click the explanation you want now, of how to mentor the missionaries that your church sends:A. Provide Wise Career Counseling for New Workers
B. Provide Unbiased Mission Career Counseling
C. Keep Reviewing Mission Outreach to Prepare for Current Needs and Opportunities
D. Let People Serve Freely, out of Love for Jesus
Find how you can provide quality counseling.
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