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Care focus 3 for expanded outreach and ongoing ministries

10 3b: Gently defuse disgruntled members' discontent

Listen to people who have a gripe.

Find in Ephesians 4:31-32 guidelines for grippers.

Find in Philippians 2:1-12 what is true humility, and what is the greatest example of it.

*Find in Numbers 11-21 cases of rebellion and how God dealt with them.

*In Numbers 11:1-23 & 31-33, what God did for those who demanded meat to eat.

*In Numbers 12:1-16, how God tamed Miriam when she griped about Moses' black wife.

*In Numbers 16:1-50, how God punished those who rebelled with Korah.

*In Numbers 21:4-9, how God punished the complainers and also healed them.


* Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)


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