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Section 12: TEACHING & DOING THE WORD OF GOD, Foundation Level 1a

12 1a: Make obedient disciples before all else

Teach obedience to Christ and His Word above and before all else.

Find in Matthew 28:18-20 the emphasis Jesus places on obeying His commands.

*Find in Matthew 7:24-27 how Jesus illustrates the life of a Christian who hears His commands but does not obey.

*Find in Acts 2 36-47 things the converts in the first church did, in obedience to the specific commands of Jesus.

*Find in Matthew 15:1-20 how we corrupt ourselves, if we allow our evangelical traditions to override the commands of Jesus and His apostles.

*Find in Exodus 20 the basis (foundational rules) of the old covenant, which the people did not keep.


* Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)


T&M Student Activity Guide page 14

For articles on the biblical and historical treatment of preaching and teaching, Leadership Handbooks of Practical Theology, edited by James Berkeley, Volume 1, which deals with Word and Worship, sections 1 - 3.

2(Optional Documents, to view, download or translate, for additional help)

To help workers know what further training they need: Comprehensive Examination, DES menu library

Download document Commands of Jesus.

To help both you and your people to discern God's commands for today, make up a list of Jesus' commands, apostolic commands, Old Testament commands, and some non-biblical rules of men. Then ask people to mark each command with a J for Jesus, A for apostles, O for Old Testament, and an X for non-biblical. Then give them the correct answers and let them see how many they got right.

Some examples:

J Forgive 70 times seven times.
A Women must wear a head covering.
O Bring your tithes to the storehouse.
X Be sure you're right, then go ahead.
O Stone people to death who work on Saturday.

For help: Research

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