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Section 12:
TEACHING, Foundation Level 1b
12 1b: Help believers to read the Bible daily and to obey it
Help your people to have daily prayer and Bible study.
- You might give them a schedule for reading the Word, or assign certain passages.
- For new believers emphasize the stories, especially of the great redemptive events such as creation, the call of Abraham, the giving of the law, etc., that lay the foundations for all Christian doctrine.
Find in 1 Timothy 3:16-17 the purpose of all Bible teaching (especially v. 17).
Find in Genesis 18:1-15 the difference between Abraham and his wife in their readiness to receive a message from the Lord.
Find in the book of Mark major events in the life of Jesus; jot them down. Nearly every chapter has stories that are excellent for children.
Find in Deuteronomy reasons to know and obey the Word of God.
Find in Psalms 42-72 and 119, examples of good attitudes toward God and His Word.
Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)
T&M Student Activity Guide page 15b
Investigate the use your people are making of the Bible.
- During pastoral visits to members, it can be both encouraging and revealing to ask someone, "In what ways have you found help from God while obeying the Bible?"
- Each home group leader should ask the same question of their group members and have them write down at least one answer with the month and year in which in happened.
- If people are illiterate, then someone should summarize their testimonials in writing.
- Ask to see the reports. The responses will indicate those groups in which people grow more, to provide many real-life examples that you can cite to encourage others.
- If this can be done, say, quarterly, then the results can show the progress or regress within the home groups.
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