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Section 12: TEACHING AND DOING THE WORD, Pastoral Level 2c

12 2c: Integrate Bible study with other ministries

Base all ministry on the will and Word of God.

*Find in Matthew 28:16-20 what a new disciple of Jesus is to do.

*Find in the book of Ezra general guidelines for applying God's word and discipling God's people.

*Find in Nehemiah 8:1-12 what was done so that the people applied the Bible to their lives.

*Find in Matthew 7:24-26 what happens if we learn the commands of Jesus without practicing them.

Find in the book of James guidelines for being doers of the Word.

Find in the book of Isaiah prophecies of the birth and redemptive work of Jesus.


* Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)


T&M Student Activity Guide page 24b

For a general explanation of Bible books, The New Bible Companion, Carl Laney.

Verify that group leaders are using the Word correctly.

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