Section 14:
WORSHIP, Foundation Level 1a14 1a: Discern and practice the essential elements of worship.
Lead your people, or train others to lead, in heartfelt worship to glorify God.
Praise |
Praise may be expressed in song, symbolic liturgy, dance, different postures, spontaneous words, structured forms, poetry, chant, reading of Psalms, etc. God does not care what form it takes as long as the essential--praise--is from the heart. |
Prayer |
Prayer also takes different external forms; what God looks for, of course, is faith. |
Confession |
Confession of sins and assurance of forgiveness--in a form that enables all present to confess. |
Eucharist |
(Lord's Supper)--not just tacked on to the end of the preaching service, we hope. |
The Word |
The Word--read, sung, preached, discussed, dramatized, preached, etc. |
Fellowship |
A time to cultivate loving relationships and talk to one another (something a bit more than merely shaking hands, we hope). This may require time set apart before, during or after the formal part of worship |
Offering |
Done discreetly, especially in small groups or house churches. Some churches do not pass a plate, but receive offerings in a way that does not embarrass or offend visitors who have seen too much evangelical begging on TV. |
Find in Genesis 4 and Leviticus. 10:1-5 why we must worship God the way He says.*
Find also in Genesis 4 what was sacrificed for a man's sin, why Cain was angry.*
Find also in Leviticus 10:1-5 why God burned up two sons of Aaron.*
Find in John 6:1-15 how Jesus provided food for the people in the desert.*
Find in John 6 the food and drink that enables us to live forever.*
Find in Mark 14:1-31 the importance of the Last Supper.*
Find in Mark 14:10-31 what Jesus said and did when He showed us how to celebrate Communion.Find in 1 John 1:8-10 through 2:2 guidelines for the confession of sins.
Find in Numbers chapters 1 - 4 detailed rules for offering burnt offerings to the Lord. What does this say about the seriousness of worshiping today just as the Lord says to, even though we no longer offer animal sacrifices?
Find in Exodus chapters 25 - 27 and 33:7-10 the different parts and furniture of the old sanctuary, and priests' duties. What were some essential elements of Old Testament worship? What elements of New Testament faith and worship correspond to these Old Testament forms?
Find in Acts 2:36-47 what the converts did in the first church.Find in 1 Corinthians 14 how to worship in an orderly way and assure spontaneous participation.
Find in 1 Timothy 2 guidelines to pray in an orderly way.
Find in Numbers chapters 5 - 10 several rules for Old Testament worship.
Find in Numbers 6:22-27 a blessing for ministers to give God's people.
Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)O
For mentoring to prepare for small group worship style, for seminary credit or certificate, contact Dr. Galen Currah and ask about the course Mentoring for Ministry, DIS538. Call (503) 517 1912 or e-mail
For video courses that you can take at home, contact Jon Raibley at Western Seminary's Center for Lifelong Learning. Ask about courses related to public worship. Call (503) 517 1899, or e-mail or view courses offered on On the home page click on Enter, then Academic Programs, then Distance Education, then Course Listings.
(Optional Documents, to view, download or translate, for additional help)Download document
Essential Elements of Worship.For practical planning, insight and reasons why worship is important: Worship--Rediscovering the Missing Jewel, Ron Allen and Gordon Borror
For a pastor's viewpoint of why worship is a priority: Real Worship--It Will Transform Your Life, Warren Wiesbe
If working cross-culturally, find out what are the local religious and worship practices.
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