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Section 14: WORSHIP, Foundation Level 1b

14 1b: Celebrate God's felt presence in Communion

Celebrate the very presence of Christ.

The accounts of the institution of the ceremony in Matthew, Mark and Luke.

The events of the upper room in John chapters 13 - 17

Eating the bread and drinking the cup are a participation in Jesus' body and blood, 1 Corinthians 10:17-16

John the Baptist's recognition of Jesus as "The Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world," John 1:15-36

Jesus' discourse on "Eat my flesh…" in John 6

The institution of the Passover feast, Exodus 12

The miraculous liberation of Israel from slavery in Egypt, which gives the setting for Passover, Exodus chapters 1 - 15

The accounts of animals sacrificed for sin, such as in Leviticus 16

The value of Jesus' sacrifice, Hebrews 9

God's punishment for the high priest's sons who entered His presence without the blood, Leviticus 10

*Find in Matthew 26:17-30 what Jesus orders us to do, remember His sacrifice as we worship. Explain the importance of the historical setting.

*Find in John 6 a deep, spiritual meaning of partaking of the flesh and blood of Jesus.

Find in 1 Corinthians 10:16-21 what the act is, in God's sight, of eating the bread and drinking the wine in faith.

Find in 1 Corinthians 11: 17-34 guidelines and cautions for Holy Communion.

*Find in Exodus chapters 12 - 13 how and why they celebrated the Passover (the historical forerunner of Christian Communion).

Find in Leviticus chapters 1 - 22 the forms of Old Testament worship.

*Find in Leviticus 10:1-20 why Aaron's sons were killed.

Find in Leviticus 16:1-7 and chapters 15 - 19 the rules made afterwards for entering the most Holy Place.


Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)

2(Optional Documents, to view, download or translate, for additional help)

A. Break Bread Together Often
B. Glorify Jesus by Remembering His Sacrificial Death the Way He Said to Do
C. Avoid a Purely Rationalistic View of Communion
D. Let God Work Through the Lord’s Supper to Make It Truly Holy Communion
E. Practice All Vital Elements of Worship
F. Celebrate Sacred Seasons and Holidays


T&M Student Activity Guide page 16a

For the purpose, planning and administration of the Lord's Supper: Leadership Handbooks of Practical Theology, edited by James Berkeley, volume 1, sections 24 -26

For celebrating the Lord's Supper in a meaningful, feeling way: Spiritual Disciplines within the Church, Donald S. Whitney

Verify that your people are meeting Christ in real, heartfelt communion--participating in His body and blood.

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