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Section 14: WORSHIP, Foundation Level 1c

14 1c: Use relevant methods to worship and express praise

Watch your people carefully to see what worship forms they respond to.

Remind the older people that if they are the stronger believers, then they are to yield to the needs and scruples of the weaker (Romans 14).

*Find in 2 Chronicles 5 the kind of music that moved God, along with Solomon's dedication prayer (chapter 6), to fill the temple with His glory (7:1-4).

Find in Psalm 150 the style of music that God likes to hear.


* Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)


For video courses that you can take at home, contact Jon Raibley at Western Seminary's Center for Lifelong Learning. Ask about courses related to worship. Call (503) 517 1899, or e-mail or view courses offered on On the home page click on Enter, then Academic Programs, then Distance Education, then Course Listings.


T&M Student Activity Guide page 16a

For different styles of worship, Leadership Handbooks of Practical Theology, edited by James Berkeley, Volume 1, section 10

For prayer in worship, see section 11.

Discern between the 1) inner substance or function of an activity, 2) the outward forms it can take and 3) the meaning it has for the people.

For help: Research

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