Paul-Timothy Training Menu
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Section 14:
Worship, Advanced Level 3a
14 3a: Several churches worship together occasionally
Arrange for united worship and prayer with other churches.
- Plan the meetings well, with participation by every church, and emphasize unity and issues of common concern.
- In a pioneer mission field wait until new churches are well established in their doctrine and practice before meeting with churches of different doctrine and practices.
- Pray publicly for the other churches and their leaders regularly.
Find in 2 Chronicles 35:1-19 the benefits of gathering people from many places.
Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)
(Optional Documents, to view, download or translate, for additional help)
T&M Student Activity Guide
page 44a
Verify with which churches of the area you can cooperate with edifying results.
- Compile a directory of local churches and their leaders' names.
- Visit their services to learn the special abilities of those leaders, or ask knowledgeable colleagues what those are.
- Find out about united services held in the past and their results. Discuss any questions with your church leaders and plan together.
- Some dear brothers truly consider people of other churches to be devoid of some blessing. They feel obligated to preach at you, unless they have agreed not to do so; and others fear you will do the same to them. Discuss this openly with the other church leaders as you plan.
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