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Section 14: Worship, Advanced Level 3b

14 3b: Plan worship for sacred seasons (advent, lent, etc.)

Plan well ahead, and announce several times in advance, special activities for special seasons.

*Find in Matthew chapters 1 - 2 major events before and after Jesus' birth.

*Find in Matthew 1:18-25 what the angel told Joseph to do.

*Find in Matthew 2:1-23 what the wise men gave Jesus, and why Joseph took him and Mary to Egypt.

*Find in Luke chapters 1 - 2 more major events related to Jesus' birth.

*Find in Luke 1:26-38 what the angel told Mary, and what she answered.

*Find in Luke 2:1-20 what the angels told the shepherds and what they did.

*Find in Luke 2:21-35 what Simeon said about the baby Jesus and about what would happen to His mother Mary.

*Find in Luke 2:39-52 what happened when they visited Jerusalem.

*Find in Luke 19:28 through chapter 24 the main events of Jesus' final redemptive work during the last week before His resurrection. Also find the events that happened after He arose.

*Find in Luke 19:28-48 several things that happened when Jesus entered Jerusalem as king.

*Find in Luke 20 how Jesus answered the questions asked of Him in the temple.

*Find in Luke 21 what Jesus said would happen in the future.

*Find in Luke 22:

*Find in Luke 23 what happened in Jesus' trail, death and burial.

*Find in Luke 24 what happened at and after Jesus' resurrection, and what He commands His disciples to be witnesses of.

*Find in 2 Chronicles chapters 5 - 6 things that happened in a special worship service.

*Find in Chronicles 5:2-14, how they worshiped God and how He responded.

Find in Leviticus chapters 23 - 27 the purposes of the old festivals, and the value for similar holy days for God's people today.

*Find in 1 Samuel 6:1 23 what happened when David took the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem.


* Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)

If you work cross-culturally, then you must learn the sacred calendar.

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