Paul-Timothy Training Menu

Menu SectionsLegend

Select from this menu the Sections and Levels that your people currently need to learn or have translated. Choose menu options as needs arise.

Select menu sections according to needs (below)

Sections (below)

To explain salvation in Christ and establish new believers in the faith

01 Evangelism and Basic Discipling

For more loving interaction and a truly Spirit-filled church

02 Fellowship.

To reach people far away, teach God's guidelines for His 'sent ones'

03 Foreign Missions

To strengthen families, apply God's rules for happy homes

04 Marriage and Family

To start churches or cells, apply God's guidelines for a church body

05 New Churches & Home Groups

To name new leaders and help them to lead using God's guidelines

06 Overseeing & Planning

For your people's daily private and family devotions, interceding, etc.

07 Prayer and Spiritual Warfare

To serve the sick, forsaken and destitute within the church and without

08 Serving the Needy

To pastor God's flock using His Word to define how to do all ministries

09 Shepherding the Flock

To counsel or correct people with personal or family problems

10 Member Care and Counseling

For your people to follow God's guidelines for giving generously

11 Stewardship

To apply biblical truths in a way that changes lives and yields service

12 Teaching

To prepare pastors, evangelists, church planters and missionaries

13 Training Leaders

To 'break bread' and worship as a group, following biblical guidelines

14 Worship

Trainers do five things in each mentoring session.
Please remember them:
Listen, Plan, Review, Assign, Pray.

  1. Listen to your trainees' report, on what ministry they and their churches or cells have done since your last meeting. Compare it with the plans they made in the last session. Listen for needs and ministry opportunities. Hold them accountable to carry out their plans. Limit the number of trainees in a session to as many as you can talk with personally.
  2. Plan. Help trainees plan ministry activities that fit immediate and long-range needs and ministry opportunities. Use this menu to locate activities and teaching that the trainees or their people need. Record their plans. Avoid discussing only problems.
  3. Review studies, reading or research done. An oral report may suffice.
  4. Assign items in this menu, reading or research according to the plans. Select from among the options offered those that fit the need. Do not assign so much that a trainee cannot complete it.
  5. Pray for God's guidance first, for any serious needs during the session, and for each other and their plans at the end.

Locate the different types of menu options by their symbols.
The main four symbols are shown below. See others under Legend.

  = Tasks options

  = Scripture study options

2 = Document options to view, copy or translate

= Research Options

Mentor new leaders in your church, new churches, cell groups or ministry task group.

Menu SectionsLegend (icons)

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