Prayer, Foundation Level 1a-d
Teach converts and their families to pray daily |
Overcome temptations, problems and habits by prayer |
Pray for the sick and demon-oppressed |
Defend the faith against "doctrines of demons" and modern forms of idolatry |
Prayer, Pastoral Level 2a-d
Practice prayer and intercession as part of ongoing church life and renewal |
Pray regularly for the sick and distressed |
Bring healing to the demon-oppressed and obsessed |
Deal positively with unjust opposition from people in power |
Prayer, Advanced Level 3a-d
Arrange concerted prayer among churches of the area |
Arrange ongoing, regular intercession for the lost |
Discern and deal with root causes of legalism and other chronic problems |
Bring God's grace to cases of believers' sin and error |
This page updated 01 02 03