Paul-Timothy Training Menu


Menu Sections - Orientation

Training, Foundation Level 1a-d

13 - 1a

Enroll and train leaders using this Paul-Timothy Training Menu

13 - 1b

Compare and evaluate methods for training your leaders

13 - 1c

Train apprentices using New Testament disciple-making methods

13 - 1d

Lay hands on new leaders to commission them and release them for ministry

Training, Pastoral Level 2a-d

13 - 2a

Train pastors and missionaries on the job

13 - 2b

Write materials geared specifically to your people

13 - 2c

Prepare a large number of disciplers in the church

13 - 2d

Prepare for Effective Mentoring.

Training, Advanced Level 3a-d

13 - 3a

Form discipleship "chains" to train more and more leaders

13 - 3b

Provide life-long learning for Christian leaders

13 - 3c

Write materials for pastors in areas that are lacking

13 - 3d

Take leaders through a process of character development.

Menu Sections - Top of Page

This page updated 02 01 03