Missions, Foundation Level 1a-d
Pray for world evangelization; awaken awareness & vision. |
Adopt a neglected people group and take steps to disciple it. |
Teach and practice Jesus' command to disciple all nations. |
Evaluate and implement all categories of mission work. |
Missions, Pastoral Level 2a-d
Coordinates the church's mission work. |
Direct, train and mobilize those who have apostolic gifting. |
Support mission work by faith. |
Send a short-term or career missionary team. |
Missions, Advanced Level 3a-d
Start a movement of indigenous church multiplication. |
Care for missionaries, including single women. |
Train businessmen and bi-vocational workers for hostile areas. |
Evangelize Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and Tribals. |
This page updated 02 01 03